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Birth Announcements

Birth Announcements

Whether simple or complex, I can create the perfect announcement for your little one with a nod to your personal style.

Square tri-fold birth announcement that accordion folds to reveal the sweet newborn baby boy and his vitals, almost actual size!

Square tri-fold birth announcement that accordion folds to reveal the sweet newborn baby boy and his vitals, almost actual size!

This birth announcement has 3 layers with vellum on top to reveal the text and photo below. His siblings below both used the same design.

This birth announcement has 3 layers with vellum on top to reveal the text and photo below. His siblings below both used the same design.

Baby announcements for a sweet family with six children. With the birth of each child, a new bear is added to the front of the card as well as to the envelope flap as shown below.

Baby announcements for a sweet family with six children. With the birth of each child, a new bear is added to the front of the card as well as to the envelope flap as shown below.